A young woman wearing a colorful head wrap and a long winter jacket and a smiling young man
Illustration by Jim Stoten; Teen Photos Courtesy of Families

The Happiness Challenge

Can a few daily habits increase your happiness? Two teens took the challenge to find out!

By Krystnell Storr-Smith

2021 was a year. After five zillion (yes, that’s the official number) days of remote school and wearing masks so long we’ve forgotten what our own chins look like, we’re all ready to feel a whole lot happier in 2022.

The question is, how?

You might think it would take something big, like a million bucks, to radically improve your mood. But the truth is, there are easy ways to increase your joy. Experts say the key lies in adopting a few simple habits into your daily routine.

To put this theory to the test, we challenged two teens to try five expert-approved happiness habits every day for two weeks: Emmanuella Agyemang from New York and Daniel Espinoza from Maryland. Read on to find out what happened!

1) Challenge: Make Your Bed

Making your bed each morning can make a big difference in your mindset. It helps you organize your space and gives you a sense of productivity—in about the same amount of time it takes to brush your teeth. It also starts your day in a positive way.

Emmanuella and Daniel were surprised by how much making their beds improved their moods. “Now I don’t feel complete unless my bed is made,” Emmanuella says.

2) Challenge: Give a Compliment

When you offer praise, you brighten a person’s day. You also strengthen your connection with that person, and connection with others is a key factor in happiness. Plus, giving compliments triggers a release of oxytocin, a hormone that makes you feel good. (It’s the same one that’s released when you pet your dog or hug your mom.) The key to a good compliment? Be sincere and specific.

This habit showed Daniel that people appreciate compliments, even when they know they’ve done well. “I complimented my mom’s lasagna. She was really happy, even though she knew it was amazing,” he says.

Emmanuella loved complimenting others too. “I complimented my friend on his dog, my teacher on her hat, and my mother on a dress she made,” she says.

3) Challenge: Be Active

When you move your body, your brain produces endorphins—chemicals that increase your sense of wellbeing. Exercise also helps you sleep, so you wake up feeling rested instead of groggy and grumpy. It can be a great stress reliever too.

For this habit, Emmanuella added more dance to her day, which she says brought her a lot of joy. Daniel went on a hike, which he says gave him a much-needed screen break.

4) Challenge: Do What You Love 

Make time for activities with no payoff other than the intrinsic joy they bring you—in other words, hobbies. Hobbies can reduce stress and give you a feeling of contentment.

Daniel got back into baking by whipping up a batch of blueberry muffins for his family. Emmanuella channeled her creativity by writing poetry.

5) Challenge: Keep a Gratitude List

Think over your day. Did someone help you out? Did you eat something delicious? Did you see or do something that made you feel good? Write it down!

“Expressing gratitude creates what I call an upward spiral,” says Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ph.D. In a study she conducted, teens who expressed gratitude were more likely to eat healthy foods, feel motivated at school, and experience more happiness.

This daily habit made a big impact on Emmanuella and Daniel. Emmanuella found 37 reasons for gratitude—from vanilla-scented perfume to her glasses. “I never knew I had so much to be grateful for each day,” she says.

Daniel found 21 reasons for gratitude—including his soccer team, Covid vaccines, and an internet connection. “I’m learning to appreciate basic things like health and sunshine,” he says.

So how did it go? “I came into this challenge with high hopes, and I wasn’t disappointed,” Emmanuella says. “It helped me realize that there is so much more to life than constantly doing schoolwork.”

As for Daniel? “The challenge made me notice my impact on other people and realize that it makes me happy to make other people happy,” he says.

Both teens plan to keep their new happiness habits. So what about you? Are you ready to take the happiness challenge?

Short Write: How can simple daily habits affect your mood?

Directions: In your own document, answer the question above in a well-organized paragraph. Be sure to use at least two pieces of text evidence to support your ideas.

This article was originally published in the December 2021 / January 2022 issue.

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