December 2024/January 2025


February 17, 2025

Dinosaur contest

Write a series of journal entries from Walter Alvarez’s point of view: one when Alvarez was in Italy, one after the publication of his research, and one after he learned about the asteroid crater. 


The Age of Dinosaurs by Steve Brusatte

Clothing Poem contest

Write your own poem about an item of clothing. You can choose something that feels like exactly you—or you can take your poem in another direction.


Scope notebook

Root Power Contest

1. Write down the meaning of each word in orange. Use context clues or, if needed, a dictionary. 2. Find another word that contains the root temp3. Write a sentence using that word and draw a picture that shows the word’s meaning.


Scope notebook

November 2024


December 23, 2024

Spy of the American Revolution Contest

Imagine that James Lafayette kept a secret diary about his activities as a spy. Write one of the diary entries. Be sure to give it a date.


The Notorious Benedict Arnold by Steve Sheinkin

Across the Ice contest

Create a news program in which characters from A Treacherous Journey Across the Ice are interviewed about what happened. You can create a transcript (a written copy) or make a video with actors.


The Eyes and the Impossible by Dave Eggers

Poetry contest

Choose any day from your life—it could be yesterday or it could be years ago—and imagine it as a present. Then write a poem about what’s inside the box. Be sure to say what’s at the bottom.


Everything Comes Next by Naomi Shihab Nye

Root Power Contest

1. Write down the meaning of each word in blue. Use context clues or, if needed, a dictionary. 2. Find another word that contains the root dic or dict3. Write a sentence using that word and draw a picture that shows the word’s meaning.


Scope notebook

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