April 2025


May 19, 2025

 Food Waste Contest

Why is food waste a problem? What can be done about it? Answer both questions using information from the article and the infographic. Your response can be in the form of a slideshow, video, or short essay. 


Total Garbage by Rebecca Donnelly

Drive Contest

Pick a memorable moment or event in your life and describe it in one or two paragraphs. Include at least one simile and one metaphor in your work. 


When You Trap a Tiger by Tae Keller

Root Power Contest

1. Write down the meaning of each word in green. Use context clues or, if needed, a dictionary. 2. Find another word that contains the root gen3. Write a sentence using that word and draw a picture that shows the word’s meaning.


Scope notebook

March 2025


April 21, 2025

Cat contest

Explain how the relationship between cats and humans has changed over time. Your response can be in the form of a comic, an essay, a slideshow, or a poem. 


Crenshaw by Katherine Applegate

Stink contest

Imagine you’re Danny. Write a short personal essay for Frank Leslie’s paper about how you earned your nickname and why you’re proud of it. 


The Poison Eaters by Gail Jarrow

Root Power Contest

1. Write down the meaning of each word in orange. Use context clues or, if needed, a dictionary. 2. Find another word that contains the root cred3. Write a sentence using that word and draw a picture that shows the word’s meaning.


Scope notebook

Only Me contest

Use this poem as inspiration to write a short essay answering two questions: What makes you the unique person? Do you think there’s anyone else just like you—or even a lot like you? 


Scope notebook

February 2025


March 17, 2025

Tokyo Dreams Contest

Think about your favorite place in the world. Write a paragraph about that place, using descriptive language to bring the setting to life.


Temple Alley Summer by Sachiko Kashiwaba

Stress contest

Create a pamphlet, short video message, comic strip, or social media post that explains what stress is and offers advice on ways to manage it. Draw on information from both texts.


Scope notebook

Super Bowl contest

Imagine you work for a chip company. Write a short letter convincing your colleagues that your company should invest in a Super Bowl commercial. 


Scope notebook

Root Power Contest

1. Write down the meaning of each word in green. Use context clues or, if needed, a dictionary. 2. Find another word that contains the root ques or quir3. Write a sentence using that word and draw a picture that shows the word’s meaning.


Scope notebook
