A young man with a mask on standing in front of houses holding a large Trader Joe's brown bag
courtesy of family

Delivering Kindness

When the pandemic hit, Nolan Mejia, 17, realized many people couldn’t go grocery shopping. So he decided to do something about it.

By Adee Braun
From the March 2021 Issue

© Jarrod Valliere/San Diego Union-Tribune via ZUMA Wire

Nola Mejia

Adee Braun : What is Grocery Grab?

Nolan Mejia: Grocery Grab is a free grocery shopping service that I started in San Diego County, California. It’s for senior citizens or anyone at high risk for becoming seriously ill from Covid-19.

AB: How did you come up with the idea?

NM: When the pandemic started, I realized that many senior citizens didn’t have somebody who could get groceries for them. I felt inspired to start this service because it’s important to help people in times of need. I had volunteered in the past at elementary schools, libraries, and summer camps. But I had never done anything like this before!

AB: What is a typical grocery store run like?

NM: A person will email, text, or call us with a list of groceries and their preferred store. Then I, or another volunteer (many volunteers are friends of mine from school), will drive to the store and shop for the items. When the pandemic first began, some things like toilet paper and cleaning supplies were difficult to find, but that’s less of a problem these days.

When I’m done shopping, I deliver the groceries right to the person’s door, and they pay me back in cash or through a payment app. It’s all totally free, but sometimes we get “tips,” which we donate to the San Diego Covid-19 Community Response Fund.

AB: How do you stay safe while shopping and delivering groceries?

NM: All volunteers practice social distancing, wear masks and gloves, and sanitize before, during, and after shopping. Some people open the door when we deliver the groceries, and we can have a conversation from a distance with masks on. It’s nice to catch up with people and check in on them.

AB: What’s the response to Grocery Grab been like?

NM: It’s been amazing! Everyone is very supportive of the organization and has helped by spreading the word to those who need it the most. So far, Grocery Grab has served more than 100 people and delivered more than 7,000 grocery items.

AB: Wow! So what’s been the most rewarding part?

NM: Seeing how happy senior citizens are when I deliver their groceries is heartwarming. Forming a relationship with different people in my community has been very valuable as well. I’ve met many new people to look up to and learn from.

AB: What advice would you give to kids who want to help people in their own communities?

NM: Many people feel isolated right now, especially senior citizens. So it’s crucial that we try to connect with them. Even if you don’t drive or have access to a car, you can still make a difference. Reach out to senior citizens in your community; call them, email them, write them letters. Making a difference can be difficult sometimes! But it’s important to try your best to overcome these challenges, because that will shape you as a person.

This article was originally published in the March 2021 issue.

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