Dear Scope teachers,
Over the past few weeks, I’ve connected with many of you to hear how you’re adapting and learning and connecting with your students this year. And all I can say is that I am in awe. Not only are you fulfilling your role as teachers, you’re also modeling resilience, flexibility, and grace for your students.
Here at Scope, we’re adapting too. As you know, we’ve added many tools for making Scope an ideal resource for remote learning. Flip to the back of this guide for ideas on how to use our stories and resources to build connections with your students.
- Slide Decks: We’ve bundled our stories, videos, and other assets into easy-tocustomize slide decks you can share with students in your virtual or traditional classroom.
- Video Read-Alouds: I’m now reading my stories on video. This month, that includes a creepy work of flash fiction just in time for Halloween.
- Special Podcast: Designed to build engagement and knowledge, our new podcast is not to be missed. This issue’s episode explores the question: Why do we like scary stories?
Thank you for everything that you do!
Kristin Lewis