Image of a slug
Joost Potma/Alamy Stock Photo

Real-Life Zombies

What happens when mind-controlling parasites take over?

Learning Objective: to identify when to use it’s and its


Read the hint below. Then read the blurbs that follow. Pick the correct word in each bolded pair. 

It’s or Its?

It’s is a contraction of “it is” or “it has,” as in
It’s so nice outside OR It’s been a busy day.

Its is a possessive that shows ownership, as in
The puppy has outgrown its collar.

This article was originally published in the December 2024/January 2025 issue.

video (1)
Activities (2)
Answer Key (1)
video (1)
Activities (2)
Answer Key (1)
Step-by-Step Lesson Plan

Close Reading, Critical Thinking, Skill Building

Table of Contents

1. Prepare to Read

(5 minutes)

Watch the Video

Show students the Grammar Hack: It’s or Its? video, a short animated video with tips for how to keep these words straight.

Set a Purpose for Reading

Direct students’ attention to the hint box and directions on page 2 or at the top of the digital story page. Read each aloud.

2. Read and Discuss

(5 minutes)

Have students read the boxes of text independently or with a partner, circling the correct word in each bolded word pair. Optionally, share the interactive version of this article, which has dropdown menus. Then discuss the answers.

In your Resources tab, find an anchor chart and a skill-reinforcement activity called Its or Its? This activity is also available as a Google Slideshow for projecting.

3. Write

(1 minute)

Have students practice using this grammar skill in context. Project this Exit Ticket prompt on your board for students to respond to on a sticky note before they leave class:

Fill in either it’s or its in the sentences below:

1. _______ a great day to go snowboarding.

2. Our dog spent all afternoon chasing _______tail.

3. “Don’t worry about the homework!” said Mr. Gonzalez. “_______ not due until Friday.”

4. The book was so old _______ pages were yellow.
