*Stage Directors 1, 2, 3
Vendors 1, 2, 3, 4
*Mateo, a 19-year-old shop owner
*Graciela Mamani, a 16-year-old shop owner
Welcome to a magical market—where not everything is as it seems.
Learning Objective: to describe how a drama’s plot unfolds
SD1: The curtain rises on a bustling outdoor market. A storyteller speaks to the audience.
Storyteller: Welcome to La Hechiceria, the most legendary market in Monterisa. There are three things you need to know about this place. Number one, it’s magical.
Vendor 1: One sol for an encanto to heal wounds!
Vendor 2: Twenty-five soles to ensure long life!
Vendor 3: Fifteen soles to keep a plant alive forever!
Storyteller: Extraordinary things can be found here—a spell for love or a potion for lost memories. (in a hushed voice) If you need to curse an enemy, try the stall next to the dried frogs and snakes.
SD2: Shoppers drift from stall to stall. Horses clip-clop down the cobblestone path.
Storyteller: Number two! During the day, this market belongs to the living. But at night . . .
SD3: The lights darken. The market goes still.
Storyteller: . . . this market belongs to the duendes, mischievous ghosts who appear as children.
SD1: Shadows flit across the stage.
SD2: The lights come back on. The market activity resumes.
Storyteller: Number three! The market is run by La Gerencia. It has many rules.
SD3: Francisco and Suri, dressed in crisp uniforms, march across the stage.
Storyteller: There go two of its officers now.
SD1: Graciela Mamani walks into the market carrying a tall stack of baskets. She sets them down and looks around.
Storyteller: Here is Graciela. It’s a big day for her. She is opening her own store.
SD2: Graciela smiles, her face full of hope.
Storyteller: She is taking over the stall that belonged to her abuelita, Maria Mamani.
SD3: The storyteller starts to exit, then looks back at Graciela.
Storyteller: Poor soul. She has no idea what is coming . . .
Scene 1
SD1: Graciela picks up the baskets and begins to walk.
SD2: A young man knocks into her. Her top basket starts to fall, but he catches it just in time.
Mateo: Excuse me! I’m so sorry!
SD3: They pause as their eyes meet. Then the young man smiles widely and plucks Graciela’s baskets out of her hands.
Mateo: The least I can do is help you carry these.
Graciela: Thank you! This way, please.
SD1: As Mateo follows Graciela, he looks into the baskets.
Mateo: Where did you buy these paints?
Graciela: I’m selling them. I have brushes and canvases too.
SD2: Mateo’s smile suddenly disappears.
Mateo: What’s your name?
SD3: Before Graciela can answer, they arrive at her stall.
SD1: It is completely wrecked. Bits of food and debris are strewn about. Paint has been splattered everywhere.
Graciela: What? No!
Mateo: You’re Maria’s granddaughter!
Graciela: Y-yes.
SD2: Mateo opens his mouth to speak, then shuts it.
Scene 2
SD3: Francisco stomps toward Graciela’s stall like an enraged bull. Suri follows behind him.
Francisco: Graciela Mamani! Your stall is in violation of several market rules.
Graciela: I just got here and was unaware of the mess.
Francisco: License!
SD1: Graciela pulls a document from her bag. Francisco snatches it.
Suri (quietly): You can get a cleaning spell from Hortensia’s, 10 stalls down.
SD2: Suri picks up one of Graciela’s paintbrushes.
Suri: Do I smell . . . fig? And locoto?
Graciela: Yes. The brushes are dipped in a potion that helps you sketch faces and draw straight lines.
Suri: It’s unexpected, just like your abuelita. (gently) I was sorry to hear of her passing.
Francisco: I’m giving you a warning, Miss Mamani. You have until the end of the day to fix up your stall.
Graciela: A warning? On my first day? In the first . . . hour?
Francisco: One more infraction, and you will be kicked out of the market forever.
Graciela: But the mess isn’t my fault! Please—
SD3: Francisco stalks off. Suri darts after him.
Mateo: The other vendors will never leave you alone. It’s no secret they wanted Pilar Fuentes to get this stall.
Graciela: This stall was my abuelita’s. The rule is that when someone dies, their family gets first rights to their space.
Mateo: That may be, but Pilar has been waiting years for a stall. Plus . . . not everyone liked your abuelita.
Graciela: What, because she was outspoken? Because when something wasn’t fair, she wasn’t afraid to say so?
SD1: Mateo shrugs. Graciela points at the mess.
Graciela: Were you part of this?
Mateo (offended): Pilar is a friend, but no. I wouldn’t destroy someone else’s property.
SD2: He turns to go, then pauses.
Mateo: If I were you, I wouldn’t leave my things out tonight without a guardian spell.
Graciela: I can’t afford a guardian spell—or a cleaning spell. I spent every penny I had to open this shop.
Scene 3
SD3: The sun is low in the sky. Graciela has cleaned up her stall and is placing her wares on shelves.
SD1: She looks tired but happy.
SD2: Other vendors are closing up their stalls for the day when Mateo appears with two bowls of soup.
Mateo: Your stall looks great! I wouldn’t have recognized it.
Graciela: Better, right?
Mateo: So much better. Are you hungry?
SD3: Graciela smiles gratefully, and they sit down to eat.
Mateo: So are you sleeping here?
Graciela: Yes. At least until I can afford a guardian spell.
Mateo: Be careful of the duendes.
Graciela: Do they hurt people?
Mateo: Just don’t anger them.
SD1: Graciela’s eyelids begin to droop. She yawns.
Mateo: You’ve had a long day. I will say good night.
Graciela: Thanks, Mateo. Good night.
SD2: Mateo leaves, closing the stall’s curtain behind him.
SD3: Strange voices chatter outside, but Graciela does not hear them. She is already asleep.
Scene 4
SD1: The next morning, Graciela comes out of her stall and begins setting up a sign that says FREE PORTRAITS!
Vendor 4: You should have given up your abuelita’s stall.
SD2: Graciela turns to find the owner of the neighboring stall glaring at her.
Graciela: I—I have a right to be here.
Vendor 4: So you say.
SD3: Just then, a young woman walks up. Graciela smiles.
Graciela: Would you like to sit for a portrait? I’ll hang it up for a week, and then you’re welcome to keep it.
Camila: Sure!
SD1: Graciela fills a palette with color and begins painting.
Graciela (to herself): What is that smell? Something is off. But the spell does seem to be working . . .
SD2: A crowd gathers as Camila’s face slowly appears on the canvas. Graciela signs her name at the bottom and steps back.
Camila: It’s beautiful!
SD3: The crowd applauds. Customers fill Graciela’s stall.
SD1: An old man approaches.
Mico: Are the free portraits still available?
Graciela: Of course!
SD2: Mico sits and Graciela paints him. When she finishes, she signs her name at the bottom.
Mico: Who’s that old man? Just kidding—this is wonderful!
SD3: He tips his hat and strolls away as more people crowd into Graciela’s stall to buy her magical painting supplies.
Scene 5
SD1: The next morning, Camila comes to Graciela’s stall. Her face is covered by a cloth.
Graciela: May I help you?
Camila: Oh, you’ve done enough.
SD2: Camila removes the cloth and Graciela gasps. Camila’s hair is gray. Deep lines crease her forehead.
Camila: I’ve aged 60 years overnight. You did this to me!
Graciela (horrified): I don’t understand.
Camila: I do. Your magic is atrocious. When can I expect the counterspell?
SD3: Graciela’s face pales.
Camila: You don’t know one? This can’t be permanent!
Graciela: I’ll find a way to fix it.
Camila: I’m reporting you to La Gerencia!
SD1: She storms off. A young man holding a turtle walks up.
Grandson: You painted a portrait of my abuelo yesterday—and this morning, he’s turned into a tortuga!
Graciela: I’m— I’m—
Grandson: He’s all I have. Bring him back to me!
SD2: Camila returns with Francisco and Suri.
Francisco: An extraordinary claim has reached me.
Graciela: I don’t know what happened! I’ve made these potions a hundred times.
Francisco: We cannot have rogue magic sold in the market. Pack up your things.
Vendor 4: Good riddance.
Suri: Wait. I believe someone has tampered with Graciela’s wares.
Francisco: Explain!
Suri: These brushes have the same scent they did the day Graciela arrived: fig and locoto. (He sniffs and wrinkles his nose.) But there are also traces of rotten egg.
Francisco: So what? She could have botched the potion.
Suri: True. But given that her stall was vandalized on the day she moved in, foul play seems likely, does it not?
Francisco: Fine. Miss Mamani, find proof of a crime by tomorrow afternoon, and you may stay.
Graciela: Tomorrow?!
Suri (whispering): I know who you can ask. They see everything that goes on here.
Graciela: Who?
Suri: The duendes.
Scene 6
SD3: That evening, Graciela sets a bowl of fruit outside her stall, then goes inside to wait.
SD1: Soon there is a rumble of strange, low voices. Graciela peeks outside.
Graciela (softly): Hello?
SD2: A shape materializes in the darkness.
SD3: This duende is a young girl, with dark hair tucked under a large sombrero. She nibbles on a banana.
Graciela: Do you like the fruit?
SD1: The duende gives Graciela an eerie, toothy smile.
SD2: Her voice is high, like the soft ringing of a bell.
Duende: Why do you call for me?
Graciela: I have questions.
Duende: About Diego?
Graciela: Who? I don’t know a Diego.
Duende: You will one day, for he is your true love.
SD3: Graciela frowns.
Duende: I will answer three questions—for a price.
SD1: Graciela watches as the duende stares intently at the portraits of Camila and Mico that hang inside the stall.
Graciela: I . . . I could paint you, if you’d like.
Duende: That is acceptable. Ask your questions.
Graciela: Have you seen anyone come into my shop and ruin my supplies?
Duende: Yes.
SD2: Graciela waits for the duende to say more. It doesn’t.
Graciela: Who ruined my supplies?
Duende: There was one who dipped your things into a vat of something foul. Awful, smelly magic.
SD3: The duende whispers a name into Graciela’s ear. Surprise and anger flash across Graciela’s face.
Graciela: How is the spell activated?
Duende: By your signature.
SD1: Graciela paints the duende’s portrait.
SD2: When she finishes, she stares at the painting.
Graciela: I’ve seen this face before.
SD3: The duende takes the portrait.
Graciela: Wait! How do I know you?
Duende: Take care of my shop.
SD1: The duende vanishes.
Graciela (amazed): Abuelita?
Scene 7
SD2: The next morning, Graciela stands in front of her stall.
Graciela: Attention! I am going to paint another portrait!
Vendor 1: How can you be so foolish?
Vendor 2: You’d really risk someone’s life?
SD3: A crowd is gathering. Francisco and Suri make their way to the front.
Francisco: What is this?
Graciela: I will paint a portrait of the person who cursed my brushes. The spell is activated by my signature, which I will leave off—but only if the culprit comes forward.
Francisco: You know who is responsible?
Graciela: I do. This person won’t want to suffer the effects of their own terrible magic.
SD1: Graciela starts to paint. The crowd can’t see the canvas.
SD2: Whispers go through the crowd. Everyone is tense.
Graciela: My painting is finished. Shall I sign it?
SD3: Graciela waits a moment; then she lifts her brush, about to sign her name and activate the spell.
Mateo: Wait! Stop! I did it for Pilar.
SD1: The crowd erupts into shouts.
Graciela (softly): Thank you, Abuelita.
Scene 8
SD2: Suri walks into Graciela’s stall.
Suri: How are you feeling?
Graciela: Not great. I thought Mateo was my friend. And those poor people will have to live with the effects of that awful spell.
Suri: I found a sleeping potion in Mateo’s stall.
Graciela: He brought me soup on my first night here. He must have put the potion in it so I wouldn’t wake up while he tampered with my art supplies.
Suri: Well, he’s banned from the market forever, and he must pay for the counterspell.
Graciela: Counterspell?
Suri: Yes, I managed to make one. Everyone who needed it was given a vial this morning. Graciela, I didn’t know your abuelita long, but she helped me when I needed it the most. You belong here. Don’t let them push you out.
Graciela: I won’t. Thank you.
SD3: They step outside to find Mico and his grandson.
Grandson: I saw what you did. It was very clever.
Graciela (gesturing to Suri): I had help.
Mico: May I show my grandson my portrait?
Graciela: Of course! I’m so happy to see you looking like yourself again—though you did make a handsome turtle.
Mico: My grandson disagrees—says I pooped everywhere. Have you two officially met?
SD1: Mico’s grandson holds out his hand, and Graciela shakes it.
SD2: She smiles. Mico’s grandson grins and blushes.
Grandson: It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Diego.
SD3: Graciela’s eyes widen. As she and Diego continue smiling at one another, the storyteller walks onstage.
Storyteller: Like I said—extraordinary things can be found here at La Hechiceria.
SD1: The curtain falls.
Writing Prompt
You are a reporter for The Monterisa Sun newspaper. Write an article or make a podcast or video covering the extraordinary events that occurred at La Hechiceria over the past few days.
This play was originally published in the September 2023 issue.
Essential Questions: What does it mean to be an outsider? Where does self-confidence come from? What role does family play in our lives?
Watch the Video (5 minutes)
Preview Vocabulary (15 minutes)
Close-Reading Questions (25 minutes)
Critical-Thinking Questions (10 minutes)
You are a reporter for The Monterisa Sun newspaper. Write an article or make a podcast or video covering the extraordinary events that occurred at La Hechiceria over the past few days.