You might think celebrities have the perfect lives. They travel the world, attend glitzy parties, and have hordes of adoring fans. But living in the spotlight isn’t always glamorous. In fact, it can be downright stressful.
Whether professional athletes, YouTube stars, or famous singers, today’s celebs are under constant pressure—to win games, to get millions of views, to keep up with jam-packed tour schedules. And while stress is a normal part of anyone’s life, too much can be dangerous. Chronic stress is linked to depression, weakened immune systems, even heart disease. That’s why many celebrities take stress seriously.
And it isn’t just celebrities who need help when it comes to stress. Between school, homework, extracurriculars, friends, and troubling stories in the news, many young people are also feeling overwhelmed and anxious. In a recent survey, 31 percent of teens said they felt overwhelmed because of stress.
The good news is that many top performers and athletes have found powerful ways to cope—and you can use these same strategies to beat the stress in your life before it gets the best of you.