Essential questions: What is identity? What does it mean to be an outsider? How do we develop a sense of purpose?

Hercules the Mighty
In this action-packed play, Hercules transforms from an unhappy and insecure teenager into a powerful hero who embraces the qualities that make him different.
Learning Objective: to analyze how and why the main character’s view of himself changes over time
Close Reading, Critical Thinking, Skill Building
At the start of the play, Hercules feels like an outsider because of his gifts. By the end, his feelings about his gifts have changed. Explain the changes that occur. Use text evidence.
How would Hercules describe himself at the beginning of the play? How would he describe himself at the end? Support your answers with text evidence.
Read another version of the Hercules myth and compare it to the Scope play adaptation. How are the stories similar? How are they different?
Research one of Hercules’s 12 labors and write a scene about that labor to perform for the class. Use props and sound effects.
Compare the character of Hercules with a superhero of your choice. Your response may be in the form of an essay, a video, or a comic.
Literature Connection: Texts that explore the hero’s journey
Black Ships Before Troy: The Story of the Iliad
by Rosemary Sutcliff
The Epic of Gilgamesh
The Hunger Games series
by Suzanne Collins